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Why you shouldn’t be afraid of public speaking
Did you know that some researches showed that people are most afraid of public speaking? Our own research showed that “fear of public speaking” is one of the most searched terms on Google. No wonder! Yes, we can all agree, being alone, on the stage, in front of a lot of people can be frightening. […]

Time to create your marketing budget
Marketing budget, the bloodstream of marketing is most important thing to do at the end of the current year for the next year. There is no question should you do it or not, when we talk about marketing budget, you should do it. Sitting down with your colleagues, and thinking about marketing activities, planing and […]

You should have a crisis communication plan
By the definition, crisis is any situation that is threatening or could threaten to harm people or property, seriously interrupt business and significantly damage reputation. Timothy Coombs in his book “Ongoing Crisis Communications” (that we recommend you to read) said – No organisation is immune to the crisis.

Digital PR: How PR can benefit from UTM tag
Being a Public Relations professional today is really challenging. Challenges come from all angles, from new media to digital marketing and all kinds of analytics and measurement methods. Old fashioned PR people don’t like that, they think that all the Public Relations efforts can be measured by opinion pools and surveys. And that is somewhat correct, to have a good understanding […]
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